Here you will find more about the support systems for communication and skills development, as well as messages from our members.
About Goalist Vietnam
We asked the members of Goalist Vietnam!
What's nice about Goalist Vietnam?

in working style
in working style
Flat human
A corporate culture
that encourages
taking on challenges
that encourages
taking on challenges
Many people are positive
and never give up
and never give up
Why did you join Goalist Vietnam?
who work together
who work together
Japanese language
skill improvement
skill improvement
with no experience
with no experience
Interested in
the development
technologies used
the development
technologies used

Communication Support
Once a month, we talk with team leaders about the previous month's feedback, the next month's plan, and what kind of technology they want to learn in the future.
Dinner Party
This is a system in which the company pays for a team dinner or drinking party once a month.
Once every three months, we hold a kick-off at Goalist Vietnam, where we announce company-wide policies.
All Hands
Weekly information sharing and value meetings are held jointly with the head office. Even though we are far away from each other, we are closely connected as members working together.
Morning Meeting
Members of each project gather for a 15-minute morning meeting every day. This is a time to check the progress of tasks and discuss any problems.
Weekly Meeting
Once a week, we all get together to make a presentation on the values and talk about each other's ideas.
Skill-up Support
The 20% Rule
A system that allows employees to spend 20% of their time studying the skills they want to improve.
Study Sessions
Online study group sessions are held for engineers. Here you get an opportunity to learn a wide range of basic and advanced knowledge.
Japanese Study Group
This is a system to support Japanese language learning by practicing online conversation with Japanese members.
Professional Support
This is a system to promote the acquisition of skills and language learning for the voluntary learning and growth of each member. We support the purchase of books, etc.
Recommendation Award
Once a month you cast your vote for a member who you think has performed well for that month, and the member with the most votes receives an award.
Annual Awards
Once a year, we present awards to members who have performed well during the year. There is also an award for the person who has challenged themselves the most and grown the most during the year.